
Shamanic Reiki and Healing Arts Coach

Teaching Yoga and Meditation Techniques for Wellness Skills

Life Coach


About Maya

I am deeply curious about this life, the truth of my own existence. I am committed to kindness, to peaceful communication, skillful, meaningful ways of navigating self, life and relationship to all. I like to support people in these ways too. I believe in peace and our potential as a species to make it there.  I resist limiting my thinking to confines of social conditioning, and all that has gone before, choosing a more innocent stance, to see what may be. Yet also with reverence have studiously applied myself to powerful mystical, transformative ascension paths adhering to all rules to understand more deeply and share with others. I am a very disciplined practitioner, integrous, committed to ascension, to the highest evolution possible in my life time.

Below Maya Teaches a Meditation from Kundalini Yoga for Resolving Inner Conflict.

Meditation for Resolving Inner Conflict

“ Maya is very graceful. She has an amazing sense of humour and she holds a great, gentle space. She is confident, caring and knowledgeable. She is a great teacher and she, for sure, will elevate others with her wisdom.”

-  Soraya Romao-Inglis, Psychotherapist, Compassionate Facilitator,  with Dr  Gabor Mate

“ I’m very grateful to Maya, for initiation into her company of higher purpose. She has been my guide for many years now. I know Maya as a Healer, Writer, and Performer with the grace of Mary. Maya has taught me how to address stuck points in my body and mind. I am awestruck by her other worldly insights. Maya has transformed my life. I recommend Maya with all my heart. “

— David Leitao, Registered Therapeutic  Counsellor

“ Maya is an incredibly intuitive and astute practitioner. In my sessions with her I noticed a feeling of letting go and softening. Maya is a magical person and healer! In the conversations we have shared together over the years, I have gained new perspectives from her as well as seen the ways in which she accesses people and situations with grace, humility, and awareness.”

— Veronica Vukosic, Yoga Teacher/Yoga Teacher Trainer


  • Energy Healing - Yogic Healing, Shamanic, Reiki

    Increased peace, relaxation, stronger more healthful life force flow, a more resilient state, addressing of unwanted, diminishing energetic elements that can lead to, or already have resulted in ill health

  • Reiki With Yin Yoga and Cosmology

    Creating more spaciousness, peace, be supported in the unfoldment of your highest self, radiate new peace to all aspects of life.

  • Life Counsel With Intuiting

    Biofield reading, intuiting and deepening your own sensory awareness to all that speaks.

  • Acting and Life Skills

    Aligning your heart, your body, your being, to new realities created in the Quantum Field.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Reach out tell us more about yourself.

“The practice is to touch life deeply so that the Kingdom of God becomes a reality. “ Thich Nhat Hanh